Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas

"Merry Christmas", my bus driver hollered as I got off the bus to go to school. 
I replied "Happy Holidays!". 

I prefer saying Happy Holidays than Merry Christmas because one you're implying that the person is celebrating Christmas what if they're celebrating Hannukah or Kwanzaa or they don't even celebrate Christmas. Happy holidays sums up all of that; Kwanzaa,Hannukah, Christmas and New Years. 

I'm not a party popper or anything. Or a Mr.Scrooge I guess I just have a different way of thinking.

Christmas, Giftmas, Givemas.

As I log on to my social media I see everyone posting what they got for Christmas. But really is that what Christmas is all about? Wearing your comfy but ugly sweater, eating freshly baked cookies, showing off your new batch of clothes or video games? As for me, Christmas isn't like that at all. 

Trust me I'm not religious like at all (Don't judge) . But I think Christmas is about giving. Whether it's giving presents to your friends or giving time to the community.  Or even just taking the time to spend time with your family. Christmas is one of those times of the year where you can stop and just hang out with your family. 

Yes, it's always fun to open a gift but giving is what matters.