Sunday, September 29, 2013


As I sit here at 9:25 PM pondering about what I should write then I figured it out... Blogging. First off I'd like to thank my j10 teacher for making us do this Blogging thing. Like seriously. I'm not even sucking up.

 With this blog I can write about anything what makes me mad  , sad ,anything. To me blogging is like a diary except of course random people can read but you know.

I like blogging I think it's pretty cool because one I haven't written for awhile and this assignment makes me a stronger writer well more of a opinioner but I already am so.  Two I can have my amazing asian, music friend from camp read this haha . Three is you can write however you want with this blog u can right lyk dis lol. But you get the point.

What I'm trying to say is , blogging is very chill you make up your own rules and do whatever you want.


  1. Way to use uncreative creativity Abby! love it lol.

  2. i like that we can write about anything we want too .
