Monday, October 21, 2013

This is society that we live in...

What has this society turned into...
We're all addicted to our phones, laptops , & all electronic devices.
We're all addicted to our social media:  Facebook, Instagram , Twitter, vine , snapchat , etc.
What hAs this world turned into?
We are all slaves to this. We are put into a trance & possibly never escape.

Do we really need that latest iPhone 5s? Or that new pair of Miss Me jeans? No. We should be thankful with what we have! Some that is our age have nothing. No food, education, family.
We should not take these things for granted.

I have lived in Philippines where everything was simple without all the advance technology;iPhones , androids. We actually talked face to face rather than be mesmerized with our phones.

I love Philippines & America. But sometimes Americans take things for granted.

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