Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank You.

I'm so thankful for my friends without them I probably cease to exist.


I'm thankful for my parents aka my mother who has always pushed me to my limits . Also for my (step) dad who has always been there for me and gave me the oppurtunity of coming here to America. I'm so lucky to have them in my life. They are willing to do anything to make me happy. I love you guys.

I'm thankful for music. 
Music has been a big part of my life these past 4 years. 

It has helped me cope with so many things and helped me be myself. I'd like to thank my music teachers who has shaped me to be a musician:Mrs.Crissinger & Mrs.Mauer, Dr.Anderson, Merle Kruse, Mr.Burkhart, Mr.Jirele and all the professors that has helped me. I'd also like to thank all of the people that has supported me with my music.

I'm thankful for all these things that everybody take advantage of: public education & transportation, freedom, heaters and air conditioners, life itself. 

Thanksgiving is one day that make us stop and think about what were thankful for. 

What are YOU thankful for?

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