Monday, November 4, 2013

The life of an Abby Sencio (on a Monday)

I awake from my slumber.

I search for the device it reads 4:30AM.

I go to my social media.

30 mins later...

 I hear my mom rustling in the other room.

The sound of water hitting the sink awakens me from my trance.

I get up and brush my teeth. I put my contacts in.

I check the clock. 5:15AM

I get dressed. Sweatpants and a tshirt

I crawl my way down the stairs.

I look in the kitchen and  the smell of toasted  bread and peanut butter welcomes me.

I thanked my mom.

I grabbed my violin and my homework and purse.

I stuffed them in the car.

My mom in the passenger seat.

I drive to school.

I get here at 5:40 AM.

Later on at 7:15 AM I have chamber rehearsals.

Then classes start.

Time to put my mask on.

I greet my friends .

Hours on end then the bell dimiss us .

End of school.

I go to my locker to grab my instrument .

I hustle my way down to the busses

I get on the bus.

It drops us at my stop . Like horses into stalls.

I walk with my friend. We discuss .

I finally see my home.

I say farewell to my friend.

I go into my nest.

I go into my room and I pick up my cello.

I play.

My let my emotions out. Like letting cattle run free.

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